unlock multi-billion pound opportunity in steel procurement reforms

To provide a policy blueprint for the Government’s Steel Strategy, UK Steel published Public Procurement of Steel: Time for new thinking for a thriving industry. The report contains a range of proposals to improve the uptake of UK-made steel in taxpayer-funded projects which could unlock billions for the steel industry and manufacturing supply chains.

The government is the largest 
buyer of steel in the uk
The Government has a unique opportunity to support the domestic steel sector

How much taxpayer money is spent on steel from abroad annually?

The latest data reveals that one third of the steel it procures is imported, with £1.5 billion spent abroad from the public purse every year rather than supporting UK steel producers

Is there missing procurement data?

Yes. These predictions have been made without even accounting for major initiatives such as carbon capture and storage, hydrogen infrastructure, nuclear energy, and offshore wind that the new Government wants to implement.

What's the forecast steel spend?

Over the next decade, government steel requirements will exceed £4.3 billion.

What's the biggest new steel market opportunity?

To shine a light on these missing sectors in Government figures and to show the real opportunity for both the Government and the British steel sector, UK Steel commissioned an independent report from LumenEE to identify the total steel needed for the rapid expansion of the UK’s offshore wind sector, out to 2025.
25MT of steel in offshore wind
Offshore wind experts LumenEE estimate that up to 25 million tonnes of steel will be needed in the next 25 years for offshore wind investment around the coast of Britain. 

This single opportunity alone is worth approximately £21 billion in steel purchases. 

This case study in just one sector shows the massive opportunities for the UK industry across the wide metals supply chain if there was a supportive procurement policy environment.