A strategic sector

Our country has a major strategic opportunity to build upon its steelmaking strength, for the prosperity of our nation - uplifting communities and underpinning the economy.

For a competitive and futureproofed UK steel sector, jobs and growth


Truly competitive industrial electricity prices

The future of the UK’s steel industry depends on its ability to decarbonise, which is contingent on competitive electricity prices. Two changes are needed: parity with competitors on network charges (scaling up network charge discounts from 60% to 90%) and wholesale electricity market reform.


Steel scrap competitiveness and recycling capability

Scrap is a strategic material and will be critical to the steel sector’s Net Zero future. By 2030, UK scrap demand could increase by 70% and global demand by 30%, and this will continue to accelerate into 2050. The UK is fortunate to generate more than 10 million tonnes (Mt) of steel scrap each year.


Decarbonisation through Government-industry partnership

Decarbonising steelmaking: we are committed to reducing 80% of emissions by 2035 and Net Zero steel production by 2050. Our sector wants to work hand-in-glove with Government to achieve these aims. Steel in the future of the UK's decarbonisation journey: UK steel must be part of UK decarbonisation. Investment is needed in heavy gauge plate steelmaking capability for in wind towers, floating wind and the wider offshore wind supply chain.


Leverage power of public procurement

Government has a hugely powerful tool at its disposal to bolster UK industry and supply chains in the form of public procurement, while at the same time ensuring that public spend causes ripple effects in society, maximising the social, economic and environmental benefits of investment in buying UK-made steel.


UK CBAM by 2026

A UK Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism is now proposed to be implemented in 2027, a year later than when the EU’s CBAM takes effect, exposing our market to trade diversion of high-emissions steel.


Robust trade defence

The UK must be ready to take a stronger stance on trade remedies, making them more accessible to industry, developing a clear position towards non-market economies and forming alliances with like-minded countries to develop new trade remedies tools that are fit for purpose.


Investment in innovation

The UK boasts some of the best research and innovation expertise, which we must capitalise upon and grasp the opportunity to become global leaders in green steelmaking.

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Steel Scrap: A strategic raw material for Net Zero steel
4 December 2023: The steel sector will undergo a radical transformation in the coming decades in the journey to Net Zero and scrap will be at the heart of it. Government has a key role to play in ensuring we future-proof industry’s access to scrap steel, improving the quality and availability of high grades, while taking responsibility for our environmental obligations. Steel is key for a sustainable world. Find out more here.
Offshore Wind procurement
10 March 2025: Findings show that UK mills could bridge the gap between supply and demand. The statistics point out that steelmakers could meet up to 86% of offshore wind plate requirements with investment. Offshore wind experts, LumenEE, point out that uplifting UK steel capacity and capability will mutually benefit national defence needs.
solution to address uncompetitive electricity prices for foundation sectors
15 March 2025: UK industrial power prices are notoriously expensive, and UK Steel’s research shows that steelmakers pay up to 50% more than Germany and France. New policy solutions are essential to delivering affordable energy, securing industry competitiveness, and strengthening the UK’s steel production. This independent analysis from Baringa recommends introducing a two-way Contract for Difference (CfD) mechanism.
Defence Procurement Position PapeR
2 May 2024: UK Steel has identified a crucial opportunity to develop the industry-Government relationship with the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and secure the strategic supply of UK-made steel for the defence sector.
Industrial Electricity Prices
2 September 2024: As the steel industry aims to fully electrify through investment in new additional electric arc furnaces, electricity prices become even more crucial to the industry’s competitiveness, profitability, and future. UK steel producers pay up to 50% more than competitors in France and Germany, adding £37 million to UK steel electricity costs. The price disparity is predominantly driven by higher UK wholesale costs and partly greater network charges.
why the uk needs a strong steel sector
2 October 2023: UK Steel launches a new publication demonstrating the importance of steel within a resilient, low-carbon economy. Steel is a key driver of economic growth and supply chain resilience, central to the UK’s decarbonisation journey and the UK is in a prime position to lead green steelmaking as one of the largest scrap suppliers in the world. UK Steel showcase the impact and importance of steel to a global audience.
Net Zero Steel
July 2022: To create a Net Zero steel sector in the UK and meet Government targets, this report from UK Steel calls for a renewed focus on establishing a supportive business environment for steelmaking.
UK Steel: Election Manifesto
10 June 2024: Deliver Competitiveness. Futureproof our steel sector. UK Steel’s election manifesto sets out a comprehensive strategy to secure the sector for the good of the country and to put steel front and centre of the political conversation. 
UK Steel Electricity Price Report
This report shows the significant electricity price disparity the UK Steel sector faces compared to its European counterparts.
UK CBAM: Key design principles report
18 April 2024: In its new CBAM report, UK Steel sets out twelve crucial design principles for guaranteeing a robust policy with minimal risk of circumvention, strong carbon leakage protection, and simplicity. A key recommendation includes bringing the UK CBAM forward to 2026, in line with the EU, to minimise the risk of trade barriers and trade diversion.